

  1. Stream Topic:
  2. CWRCshop Stream Participants
    1. Participant 1:
      • Name: {{{Participant1Name}}}
      • Contact Information: {{{Participant1ContactInformation}}}
      • Institution or Professional Background: {{{Participant1InstitutionorProfessionalBackground}}}
    2. Participant 2:
      • Name: {{{Participant2Name}}}
      • Contact Information: {{{Participant2ContactInformation}}}
      • Institution or Professional Background: {{{Participant2InstitutionorProfessionalBackground}}}
    3. Participant 3:
      • Name: {{{Participant3Name}}}
      • Contact Information: {{{Participant3ContactInformation}}}
      • Institution or Professional Background: {{{Participant3InstitutionorProfessionalBackground}}}
    4. Other Participants (if you have more than 3 participants, provide an enumerated list (starting each item with #) for each of the following fields):
      • Name: {{{OtherParticipantsNames}}}
      • Contact Information: {{{OtherParticipantsContactInformation}}}
      • Institution or Professional Background: {{{OtherParticipantsInstitutionorProfessionalBackground}}}
  3. Future Stream Participants (those who were unable to attend this stream but want to be involved in future)
    1. Participant 1:
      • Name: {{{FutureParticipant1Name}}}
      • Contact Information: {{{FutureParticipant1ContactInformation}}}
      • Institution or Professional Background: {{{FutureParticipant1InstitutionorProfessionalBackground}}}
    2. Participant 2:
      • Name: {{{FutureParticipant2Name}}}
      • Contact Information: {{{FutureParticipant2ContactInformation}}}
      • Institution or Professional Background: {{{FutureParticipant2InstitutionorProfessionalBackground}}}
    3. Participant 3:
      • Name: {{{FutureParticipant3Name}}}
      • Contact Information: {{{FutureParticipant3ContactInformation}}}
      • Institution or Professional Background: {{{FutureParticipant3InstitutionorProfessionalBackground}}}
    4. Other Participants (if you have more than 3 participants, provide an enumerated list (starting each item with #) for each of the following fields):
      • Name: {{{FutureOtherParticipantsNames}}}
      • Contact Information: {{{FutureOtherParticipantsContactInformation}}}
      • Institution or Professional Background: {{{FutureOtherParticipantsInstitutionorProfessionalBackground}}}
  4. Facilitator:
    • Name: {{{FacilitatorName}}}
    • Contact Information: {{{FacilitatorContactInformation}}}
    • Institution or Professional Background: {{{FacilitatorInstitutionorProfessionalBackground}}}
  5. Report by:
    • Name: {{{ReporterName}}}
    • Contact Information: {{{ReporterContactInformation}}}
    • Institution or Professional Background: {{{ReporterInstitutionorProfessionalBackground}}}
  6. Project / Functionalities Description: {{{ProjectFunctionalitiesDescription}}}
  7. Scope (if applicable)
    1. What are the objectives of this project/this area of CWRC?
      • {{{Objectives}}}
    2. What are the characteristics and limits of the content or functionality?
      • {{{CharacteristicsAndLimits}}}
    3. When will the project / feature / software be considered complete?
      • {{{Deadlines}}}
    4. Does the project depend on anything else being done first? If so, what?
      • {{{Dependencies}}}
  8. Possible problems / challenges
    1. What seem the biggest challenges about this area that must be addressed if it is to proceed successfully?
      • {{{Challenges}}}
    2. How can we avoid “scope creeps” or a problematic growth of the scope of a project?
      • {{{ProblematicScopeGrowth}}}
    3. Possible corrective actions to address issues and risks properly.
      • {{{PossibleCorrectiveActions}}}
  9. Work plan (if applicable)
    1. Steps / processes for how this project is literally going to happen. What steps have to take place and in what order (including revisions and/or testing prototypes)?
      • {{{StepsAndProcesses}}}
    2. Volunteers for specific tasks or roles in relation to this stream.
      • {{{Volunteers}}}
    3. Resources required to accomplish particular steps.
      • {{{Resources}}}
  10. Functionality and interface requirements (if applicable)
    1. Core functionalities
      • {{{CoreFunctionalities}}}
    2. Substantial functionalities
      • {{{SubstantialFunctionalities}}}
    3. Nice-to-have functionalities
      • {{{Nice-to-haveFunctionalities}}}
    4. Interface features
      • {{{InterfaceFeatures}}}
  11. Other