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5 Cultural formation exploration: Allow people to explore groups associated with different identity and experiential categories.

[see some of our discussions of Cultural Formation tag for thinking through this in more detail]

A user is a cultural critic who wants to identify writers associated with Africa

She starts by identifying all those writers with entries (note we’d have to signal that limitation for these searches) associated with Africa, and sees that in a cultural formation context it comes up in a range of subtags: geography, geogheritage, nationality

She wants to compare that to people who have some association with Africa generally (equivalent to the search for entries by place search in the people entry point), compare the two groups and see what the overlap is.

She looks at the excerpt and notes that in the case of Maud Sulter, Africa is not contained in a subtag but in Cultural

Formation generally as a context, but that Black occurs in a racecolour tag. So she wants to look at the word Black in CF and see what kind of overlap there is with Africa in a CF tag.

Once she has a set of associations she likes, she wants to be able to retain the groups she ends up with and run other kinds of searches on them.

See also the relevant stories on the CWRC wiki: