LaTeX code for September 2012 Public Poetics CWRCshop

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	\item \hyperlink{Public_Poetics_CWRCshop_.28September_2012.2C_Mount_Allison.29}{1Public Poetics CWRCshop (September 2012, Mount Allison)}
	\item \hyperlink{Location}{1.1Location}
	\item \hyperlink{Schedule}{1.2Schedule}
	\item \hyperlink{Visualization_tools}{2Visualization tools}
	\item \hyperlink{Starting_points}{2.1Starting points}
	\item \hyperlink{Links_to_individual_visualization_tools}{2.2Links to individual visualization tools}
	\item \hyperlink{Use_your_own_stuff.21}{2.3Use your own stuff!}
	\item \hyperlink{Corpus_Creation_Instructions}{2.3.1Corpus Creation Instructions}
	\item \hyperlink{Public_Poetics_Poems}{2.4Public Poetics Poems}
	\item \hyperlink{Non-poetic_texts:}{2.4.1Non-poetic texts:}
	\item \hyperlink{Orlando_Project}{2.5Orlando Project}
	\item \hyperlink{CWRC}{2.6CWRC}

\subsection{Public Poetics CWRCshop (September 2012, Mount Allison)}\hypertarget{Location}{}


Crabtree Auditorium M14, Mount Allison University.\hypertarget{Schedule}{}


See \href{}{Public Poetics website} or the \href{}{CWRC website}.\hypertarget{Visualization_tools}{}

\subsection{Visualization tools}

We're going to be looking at and playing with some visualization tools in the hands-on portion of the CWRCshop. Some of them allow you to visualize texts or collections of texts of your own choosing. If you would like to play with materials that are relevant to your own writing or research, you will want to prepare them in advance so that you can import them into the tools. The instructions below are meant to be easy-to-follow directions that require only basic computer literacy. (If you have any suggestions for how the directions themselves could be made more user-friendly, please send them to cwrc [the at sign] ualberta [a dot] ca.)


\subsubsection{Starting points}

Anne Marriott's \href{}{"The Wind Our Enemy" in Cirrus}

\\Poems by 3 Canadian Women
\begin{description} Livesay, ???Experience???
\begin{description} Livesay, ???Other???
\begin{description} Marriott, ???Elderly???
\begin{description} Marriott, ???Prairie Graveyard???
\begin{description} Marriott, ???The Wind Our Enemy???
\begin{description} Moure, ???The Cold???
\begin{description} Page, ???After Rain???
\begin{description} Page, ???Deaf Mute???

The corpus: \href{}{}

\href{,Bubblelines,TypeFrequenciesChart,DocumentTypeKwicsGrid}{A flow of screens}



\subsubsection{Links to individual visualization tools}

\textbf{Voyant tools:} (click here for \href{}{full list} and links to documentation)




\href{}{Corpus Grid}

\href{}{Corpus Summary}

\href{}{Corpus Term Frequencies}

\href{}{Document Term Frequencies}

\href{}{KWICs (keywords in context)}

\href{}{Knots} (\href{}{with Shakespere})


\href{}{RezoViz (network graph - use a collection)} (\href{}{\#/1987-1988} with a listserv corpus, but best with Chrome or Safari)


\href{}{Term Frequencies}

\\\href{/index.php/General:Visualization_Tools}{ A larger list of visualization tools}


\subsubsection{Use your own stuff!}

Instructions for creating corpora for use with Voyant and Mandala:\hypertarget{Corpus_Creation_Instructions}{}

\paragraph{\href{/index.php/General:Corpus_Creation_Instructions}{ Corpus Creation Instructions}}


\subsubsection{Public Poetics Poems}

with thanks to Erin Wunker for providing the poems and Emily Sharpe for preparing these links

\\\href{}{The six poems  from Public Poetics program}
\begin{description}\href{}{Cirrus}\href{}{Word trends}\href{}{Links}\href{}{Bubblelines}\href{}{Scatterplot}

\\\href{}{Jernigan???s ???Blackout???}
\begin{description}\href{}{Cirrus}\href{}{Word trends}\href{}{Links}\href{}{Bubblelines}\href{}{Scatterplot}

\\\href{}{Tanis MacDonald, ???Patron Saint of the Misquoted???}
\begin{description}\href{}{Cirrus}\href{}{Word trends}\href{}{Clusters}\href{}{Bubblelines}\href{}{Scatterplots}

\\\href{}{Rob Winger, ???Ghazal for Tuning Your Malachi???}
\begin{description}\href{}{Cirrus}\href{}{Type Frequencies}\href{}{Links}\href{}{Bubblelines}\href{}{Scatter Plot}

\\\href{}{Shannon Maguire, ???a scientist went missing in her bush plane???}
\begin{description}\href{}{Type Frequencies}\href{}{Clusters}\href{}{Bubblelines}\href{}{Scatter Plot}

\\\href{}{Er??n Moure, ???SAUNA 89 (sweated by Er??n Moure via W.S}
\begin{description}\href{}{Cirrus}\href{}{Type Frequencies}\href{}{Links}\href{}{Bubblelines}\href{}{Scatter Plot}

\\\href{}{Sina Queyras ???The Sturdiness???}
\begin{description}\href{}{Type Frequencies}\href{}{Links}\href{}{Bubblelines}\href{}{Scatter Plot}


\paragraph{Non-poetic texts:}

\textit{Frankenstein}: \href{}{}

The Novels of Jane Austen: \href{}{}

Plays of Shakespeare: \href{}{}

Novels of the Bront?? sisters: \href{}{}

Novels of George Eliot: \href{}{}

First 3 Anne of Green Gable Novels: \href{}{}


\subsubsection{Orlando Project}

\href{}{Published version of Orlando}

\\\textbf{Experimental interfaces:}

\\\href{}{Orlando Degrees of Separation}


\href{}{BreadBoard} (loads slowly)


\href{}{CWRC-Writer (pre-alpha version of online editor)}



\\Next steps: 
	\item come back and play with these after the workshop!
	\item if you had fun, consider volunteering to test CWRC interfaces-in-progress further: your input makes a difference!
	\item consider joining CWRC's emergent scholar group
	\item consider joining CWRC's Google group for news of the project, and subscribe to the RSS feed on the website
