LaTeX code for CWRCshop Program

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	\item \hyperlink{CWRCshop_I:_Critical_and_Editing_Collaboratory_Development_Workshop}{1CWRCshop I: Critical and Editing Collaboratory Development Workshop}
	\item \hyperlink{April_29-May_2.2C_2010.2C_University_of_Alberta_-_Draft_Schedule}{1.1April 29-May 2, 2010, University of Alberta - Draft Schedule}
	\item \hyperlink{What_to_bring:}{1.2What to bring:}
	\item \hyperlink{Location:}{1.3Location:}
	\item \hyperlink{Support:}{1.4Support:}
	\item \hyperlink{Format:}{1.5Format:}
	\item \hyperlink{Registration:}{1.6Registration:}
	\item \hyperlink{Schedule_.28Tentative.29}{1.7Schedule (Tentative)}
	\item \hyperlink{Friday.2C_30th_April:_Potential_and_Possibilities}{1.7.1Friday, 30th April: Potential and Possibilities}
	\item \hyperlink{Saturday.2C_1st_May:_Critical_issues.2C_critical_tools}{1.7.2Saturday, 1st May: Critical issues, critical tools}
	\item \hyperlink{Sunday_2nd_May:_Things_and_people_together}{1.7.3Sunday 2nd May: Things and people together}

\section{CWRCshop I: Critical and Editing Collaboratory Development Workshop}\hypertarget{April_29-May_2.2C_2010.2C_University_of_Alberta_-_Draft_Schedule}{}

\subsection{April 29-May 2, 2010, University of Alberta - Draft Schedule }

The CWRCshop is a working meeting of those interested and involved in the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory (CWRC), an infrastructure project funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the governments of Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario, and the Universities of Alberta and Guelph, and Simon Fraser University. For more information about CWRC, see \href{}{}

The aim of the workshop is to give people a strong sense of what CWRC is about and to organize people who want to be involved in these early stages in working groups, who will develop agendas for next steps by the end of the workshop.\hypertarget{What_to_bring:}{}

\subsection{What to bring:}

==$>$Laptops, if possible, for taking notes, trying tools, using the CWRCwiki.==$>$==$>$Energy, ideas, an open mind, a willingness to collaborate and enjoy.==$>$==$>$Examples of the sorts of tools, interfaces, or resources that you think CWRC should consider using. There is a page on the wiki to which URLs for sites can be added: \href{}{\_We\_Like}  Please share!==$>$ Lunches and refreshments will be provided.\hypertarget{Location:}{}


The workshop will take place in the University of Alberta???s Telus Centre (\href{}{\§or=6\&feature=59}) with the exception of the Friday-night opening, which will take place in the Foyer of Rutherford Library South (\href{}{\§or=5\&feature=47})\hypertarget{Support:}{}


The CWRCshop is presented in partnership with the Canadian Literature Centre/Centre de Litt??rature Canadienne. We gratefully acknowledge support from the University of Alberta Libraries, the Humanities Computing Program, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.\hypertarget{Format:}{}


The workshop alternates plenary presentations/panels and parallel streamed meetings. The streamed meetings are designed to permit more focused planning and collaboration on specific topics. 

Participants will self-select into streams, and new ones will be created if needed. Streamed sessions are limited in length, but streamed groups are invited to continue to meet in the following streamed meeting slots if desired. The streams will operate fluidly as the workshop evolves. The one-hour slots for streams aren't meant to deal with things fully, but to form an agenda, begin to consider what needs to be discussed/researched/explored/done, and next steps. They are meant to have a life beyond the workshop. Each stream will be asked to document its work in progress by posting to the conference wiki.\hypertarget{Registration:}{}


The Workshop is free, but please email to register.\hypertarget{Schedule_.28Tentative.29}{}

\subsection{ Schedule (Tentative) }\hypertarget{Friday.2C_30th_April:_Potential_and_Possibilities}{}

\subsubsection{Friday, 30th April: Potential and Possibilities}
	\item  9:00-10:00   Welcome and introduction to CWRC; workshop mechanics
	\item  10:00-10:15  A brief introduction to the CWRC wiki (Marios Fokaefs) - Telus 134
	\item  10:15-10:30  Break (refreshments)
	\item  10:30-11:30  Women???s Writing in/and Movement(s): Literary History, Theory, and CWRC (Marie Carri??re, Patricia Demers, Cecily Devereux) - Telus 134
	\item  11:30-12:30  Streams
	\item  Telus 134     A: Women???s writing project 
	\item  Telus 219     B: Storytime: developing a user story on the wiki 
	\item  Telus 236     C: Junior Scholars Group 
	\item  Telus 238     D: Creative practitioners and CWRC 
	\item  12:30-1:00 Lunch (provided)
	\item  1:00-2:00  Lightning (5-minute) early project overviews: quick summary of content and biggest challenges
	\item  Carole Gerson; 
	\item  TL Cowan; 
	\item  Patricia Demers; 
	\item  Paul Hjartarson; 
	\item  Susan Rudy; 
	\item  Pamela Sing; 
	\item  Dorothy Hadfield/Ann Wilson
	\item  2:00-3:00 Streams
	\item  A:  Boundary issues: where do we stop? What???s the limit of CWRC content?
	\item  B:  Research funding strategies
	\item  C:  Bilingualism, Multilingualism 
	\item  D:  Images and Multimedia
	\item   3:15break (refreshments)
	\item  3:30 Keynote Lecture (public) - Telus 134: \textbf{Johanna Drucker}, Inaugural Bernard and Martin Breslauer Professor of Bibliography in the Department of Information Studies at UCLA, \textbf{ "Designing Humanities Tools in Digital Context" }
	\item  5:00 - South Foyer of Rutherford Library \textbf{Public online exhibit opening and reception; Canadian Women Artists' Books}, a collaboration of the CanWWR project and Special Collections, followed by a reception courtesy of the University of Alberta Libraries

\subsubsection{ Saturday, 1st May: Critical issues, critical tools}
	\item   9:00-9:45Regrouping: micro-reports by streamed groups; commentary on first day
	\item  9:45-10:00 Break (refreshments)
	\item  10:00-11:15 -Telus 134: Digitization, Markup, and Metadata (Dean Irvine; Sharon Farnel; Ofer Arazy)
	\item  11:15-12:15       Streams: 
	\item  A: Image markup tool development and CWRC
	\item  B: Core metadata for CWRC 
	\item  C: Tagging in the vernacular: public involvement and folksonomies 
	\item  12:15-12:45     Lunch (provided)
	\item  12:45-1:45     Space/Time: Fiona Black; Ann/Dorothy on performance calendar; Johanna or someone else from Speculative Timelines project
	\item  1:45-2:45       Streams
	\item  A: Geographic Information Systems 
	\item  B: Timelines
	\item  C: Building on Orlando for Canadian (women???s) writing
	\item  D: Into the Future: sustainability models
	\item  2:45-3:00  Break (refreshments)
	\item  3:00-4:00  Data Deluge: Analysis, Visualization (Stan Ruecker; Denilson Barbosa; Susan Brown)
	\item  4:00-5:00 Streams:
	\item  A: Visualization: methodological concerns and desiderata
	\item  B: hands-on sessions (Mandala; Degrees of Separation; others?)
	\item  5:00-5:30  Regrouping and must-dos for Sunday
	\item  6:30 Saturday: Workshop dinner at restaurant

\subsubsection{ Sunday 2nd May: Things and people together}
	\item  9:00-10:00  - Telus 134: Collaborative Tools; Collaborating Publics 
	\item  Eleni Stroulia?; Ofer Arazy/Arie Croitoru: social aspects of online collaboration; 
	\item  Margaret Mackey on online readers
	\item  10:00-10:15  Break (refreshments)
	\item  10:15-11:15 Streams:  
	\item  A: Innovative tools for online collaboration
	\item  B: Social networking for scholars: what do we know and like that we want to build into CWRC?
	\item  C: How do we collaborate? Roles and workflows for CWRC
	\item  11:15-12:00  Regrouping and next steps - Telus 134
	\item  12:00-2:00  CWRC Hardcore: Working lunch on policies, membership, communications
