LaTeX code for Past Events

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	\item \hyperlink{Congress:_Sunday_May_30th.2C_12-1:30_.28ACCUTE.29_and__3:45-5:15_.28ALCQ.2FACQL.29}{1Congress: Sunday May 30th, 12-1:30 (ACCUTE) and  3:45-5:15 (ALCQ/ACQL)}
	\item \hyperlink{Spring_Workshop.2C_Edmonton.2C_April_30-May_2_2010}{2Spring Workshop, Edmonton, April 30-May 2 2010}
	\item \hyperlink{Fall_Conference:_Canadian_Women_Writers_Conference:_Connecting_Texts_and_Generations_.2830_September_-_3_October.29}{3Fall Conference: Canadian Women Writers Conference: Connecting Texts and Generations (30 September - 3 October)}
	\item \hyperlink{For_conference_information.2C_including_the_program_and_online_registration.2C_please_go_to:_.7C_the_Canadian_Literature_Centre.2FCentre_de_litt.C3.A9rature_canadienne_website}{3.1For conference information, including the program and online registration, please go to: | the Canadian Literature Centre/Centre de litt??rature canadienne website}
	\item \hyperlink{Pre-Conference_mini-CWRCshop}{3.2Pre-Conference mini-CWRCshop}
	\item \hyperlink{other_past_events:}{3.3other past events:}
	\item \hyperlink{Francophone_projects}{3.3.1Francophone projects}

\section{ Congress: Sunday May 30th, 12-1:30 (ACCUTE) and  3:45-5:15 (ALCQ/ACQL) }

\textbf{ACCUTE Brown Bag Lunch}

12:00-1:30 H 1070 \textit{Starting at 12:15} to allow people to get lunch to bring.

This will be an information session about CWRC, ways of participating, and some of the early projects, with plenty of time for discussion and questions. 

Presenters: Susan Brown (Guelph/Alberta), Patricia Demers (Alberta), Carole Gerson (Simon Fraser), Dean Irvine (Dalhousie), Erin Wunker (Dalhousie)

\\\textbf{ALCQ/ACQL S??ance / Session}

15h45-17h15 / 3:45-5:15  12B, MB S1-435: 

Envisager les interstices: Possibilit??s pour les histoires int??gr??es des ??crivaines canadiennes / 

Envisaging Interstices: Possibilities for CWRC???s Integrated Histories of Canadian Women???s Writing    

\\Pr??sidente de s??ance / Session chair: Erin Wunker, Dalhousie University

Bronwyn Haslam (writer, independent scholar, co-founder of Tente Press inMontreal)Tasha Hubbard (documentary film maker, PhD candidate U Calgary)Karis Shearer (Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill University)T.L. Cowan (Postdoctoral Fellow U Calgary)Jennifer Henderson (Associate Professor, Carleton U)Lianne Moyes (Associate Professor U de Montreal)


\section{ Spring Workshop, Edmonton, April 30-May 2 2010 }\hypertarget{CLICK_HERE_FOR_DRAFT_PROGRAM}{}

\paragraph{\textbf{\href{/index.php/General:CWRCshop_draft_program.pdf}{ CLICK HERE FOR DRAFT PROGRAM}}}

Our spring workshop's purpose is to 1) introduce CWRC to those who are new to it; 2) consult about what kinds of activities CWRC should support;  3) start to develop projects and protocols that are going to be involved at early stages.

The workshop will start the morning of Friday, April 30 and run until noon on Sunday. A preliminary workshop schedule is available \href{/AnnokiUploadAuth.php/7/7f/CWRCshop_draft_program.pdf}{ here as a pdf.}

Our keynote speaker, Dr. Johanna Drucker of UCLA, is a book artist (you can see digital versions at \href{}{her online project on artists' books}), a visual and cultural critic, and a leading and provocative thinker about what computers can and should do for the humanities. She'll be speaking Friday afternoon about her current design work towards a system to support innovative, collaborative scholarship in a networked environment.  

\textbf{Public talk:}

\textbf{Friday, April 30th, 3:30, TELUS Centre 134}

\textbf{Johanna Drucker, Inaugural Bernard and Martin Breslauer Professor of Bibliography in the Department of Information Studies at UCLA, "Designing Humanities Tools in Digital Context"}

This keynote will be followed by the launch in the foyer of Rutherford Library south of an online curated exhibit,\textbf{\href{}{The Creative Codex and Its Variants: Canadian Women Artists??? Books"},} a collaboration between Special Collections and the Can WWR project. The launch will be followed by a reception.

All are welcome. There is no workshop fee, but \textbf{please email cwrc [the at sign] by Sunday, April 25 if you plan to attend}, providing a line or two about who you are, so that we can plan the refreshments. 

The workshop is produced in partnership with the Canadian Literature Centre/Centre de Litt??rature Canadienne, and generously supported by the University of Alberta Libraries, the Humanities Computing Program at the University of Alberta, and by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.


\section{ Fall Conference: Canadian Women Writers Conference: Connecting Texts and Generations (30 September - 3 October) }

CWRC 1: \textbf{Canadian Women Writers Conference: Connecting Texts and Generations}\textbf{ /}\textbf{Colloque ??critures des femmes du Canada\nolinebreak: textes et g??n??rations en contact}

\\\textbf{An Interdisciplinary, International Conference}

\textbf{Canadian Literature Centre, University of Alberta}

\textbf{30 September - 3 October 2010}\hypertarget{For_conference_information.2C_including_the_program_and_online_registration.2C_please_go_to:_.7C_the_Canadian_Literature_Centre.2FCentre_de_litt.C3.A9rature_canadienne_website}{}

\subsubsection{ For conference information, including the program and online registration, please go to: \href{}{| the Canadian Literature Centre/Centre de litt??rature canadienne website}}

The conference will bring together scholars, writers, booksellers, librarians, publishers, and software designers, along with invited keynote speakers, to catalyze discussion -- particularly on women???s writing in Canada, literary history, historiography, collaborative methods, and digital and feminist scholarship -- through papers, panels, readings, and online hook-ups and demonstrations.\textbf{}Plenary Speakers:
	\item Nicole Brossard (Author, Montr??al)
	\item Louise Dennys (Executive Publisher and Vice-President, Knopf Canada, Random House Canada, Vintage Canada)
	\item Lucie Hotte, (Research Chair on the Literatures and Cultures of Francophone Canada, University of Ottawa)
	\item Rosemary Sullivan (Author and Canada Research Chair, Department of English, University of Toronto)

\textbf{CS??C 1\nolinebreak:}

\textbf{Colloque ??critures des femmes du Canada\nolinebreak: textes et g??n??rations en contact}

\textbf{Un colloque interdisciplinaire et international}\textbf{Centre de litt??rature canadienne, Universit?? de l???Alberta}

30 septembre - 3 octobre 2010


Ce colloque rassemblera chercheurs, auteurs, libraires, biblioth??caires, ??diteurs, concepteurs de logiciel ainsi que conf??renciers d???honneur pour d??clencher des discussions ??? notamment sur l?????criture des femmes canadiennes, l???histoire litt??raire, l???historiographie, les m??thodes collaboratives et la recherche num??rique et f??ministe ??? ??manant des communications, des panels, des lectures et des relais et pr??sentations en ligne.


Conf??renci??res d???honneur\nolinebreak:
	\item Nicole Brossard (Auteure, Montr??al)
	\item Louise Dennys (??ditrice ex??cutive et vice-pr??sidente, Knopf Canada, Random House Canada, Vintage Canada)
	\item Lucie Hotte, (Chaire de recherche sur les cultures et les litt??ratures  francophones du Canada), Universit?? d???Ottawa
	\item Rosemary Sullivan (Chaire de recherche du Canada, Department of English, Universit?? de Toronto)

\subsubsection{Pre-Conference mini-CWRCshop}

A mini-CWRCshop will be held the first day of the conference, September 30th, in Humanities Centre 4-29 and the Orlando Project room, HC 4-22. (The Humanities Centre is on the north-west corner of the campus right along Saskatchewan Drive: see map: \href{}{\§or=3\&feature=36} )

\\This CWRCshop is designed particularly for conference attendees who haven't had a chance to learn much about CWRC yet, but everyone is welcome to join us for some or all of it. Please bring a laptop computer if you have one.

\\The schedule will be as follows:
	\item 9-10 Short and snappy introduction to CWRC and to participants (coffee provided)
	\item 10-10:45 Some quick tool demos (CWRC wiki, NINES, Zotero, ERA)
	\item 10:45-11:00 Break
	\item 11:00-12:30 How do we (want to) work? degrees of separation and social networking prototypes; interface desiderata; roles and workflows
	\item 12:30-1:30 Lunch (provided)
	\item 1:30-3:00 How do we want to be able to find things? search interface; defining core search fields
	\item 3:00-3:15 Break
	\item 3:15-5:00 Getting involved: how to use the CWRC wiki, future CWRC activities, developing projects, building CWRC into grant applications, etc.

\\The CWRCshop is co-sponsored by the Canadian Literature Centre/Centre de Litt??rature Canadienne and generously funded by  the SSHRC Image, Text, Sound Technologies program.

\\Please email susan\{dot\}brown\{the at sign\} asap if you plan to come to the mini CWRCshop.\hypertarget{other_past_events:}{}

\subsection{other past events:}

\textbf{June 6-10, 2011: Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria}: a great place to begin to learn digital humanities methods, and generally highly subsidized, particularly for students and the underemployed\hypertarget{Francophone_projects}{}

\subsubsection{Francophone projects}

Meeting in early 2011 to discuss metadata and project planning
